Wednesday, January 25, 2006

CikLiT: Mr. MayBe vs MuCh A Do AbouT NotHIng (??)

gue lagi baca sebuah ciklit judulnya "Mr. Maybe" jarang juga sih baca ciklit..merasa itu bacaan gak penting aja heheh..tapi berhubung ini pinjeman dan direkomen bagus ya tak baca saja..lagi gak ada bacaan juga....karena "by the river pedra i sat down and wept"balum dibalikin sama hana.

niwey, mr.maybe in standar cerita ciklit deh.cewek 20 sumthing struggle for life and love. gue suka ciklit ini karena banyak komentar yang lugas sekali tentang kepribadian dan keadaan cewe pada's wot i managed to comprehend from the book:

mustahil kalau kita gak mau terlibat dalam hubungan dengan cowo lagi.bohong besar kalau kita tidak akan melakukan kesalahan seperti yang pernah kita lakukan dalam hubungan di masa lalu dan sok PD gak akan gagal lagi.kita berfikir kita mau diam aja ditempat trus menunggu the right guy came along. maybe there's no such right guy. se right-right nya ituh guy pasti dia juga akan pernah bikin kita sedih dan menangis lah...cuma lebih sedikit aja kali..:P .Yang ada cuma ordinary guy yang dengannya kita merasa nyaman dan menjadi diri sendiri.kalau kita diam ditempat aja, run and hide, yaa kesempatannya pun segitu aja.beda sama orang yang berani taking risk.maju aja dulu terus dicoba. meski takut gagal dan sakit hati lagi, dont take it too personally lah.semua orang juga mengalami hal-hal yang sama. justru dengan kekecewaan dan kegagalan kita akan jadi lebih ' hidup'. it means kita harus berani ambil resiko, jangan cengeng. teori dan taktik tetep perlu tapi selanjutnya just follow and trust ur heart...siapa tau berhasil bahagia selama-lamanya..hehehe...i take this book too personally ya? hahha..jadi maluuu....

klise banget ya semuanya..tapi adakalanya gue type orang yang harus di remind dulu trus jadi inget dan nyadar that this life is just that. nothing really matter.malu aja kadang i did everything for nothing...haha..tapi sejalan waktu gue jadi lebih bisa melihat itu sebagai proses (blaaagh...) to feel wot i feel be wot i am now....

Tapi mungkin tidak segitu nothing-nya sich...pasti ada hikmahnya lah...yang maha tahu di atas sana telah menuliskan semua itu terjadi sama gue. dia kan yang punya semuanya.jadi masih 'untung' lah gue 'cuma' harus mengalami hal-hal itu saja. masih bagus donk bukan yang lebih buruk dari itu.masih banyak yang lebih 'tidak beruntung' dari gue....yeah!
si raney sok bijak gini...maybe i just need a new pair of shoes....(loHH??)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

PagI dan tEmAn dan TemaN

pagi ini menyenangkan juga.. sarapan disuapin ibu...ojeknya gak telat...tidak hujan..tanggal 25...being in the crowd with nice people...kereta udah jalan lagi...ketemu lala di kereta..dan ternyata dia pendengar setia indika yang si pipin suka siaran itu...jadi waktu ngenalinnya lucu mereka yang bilang "loh jadi loe yang...."hahhaa...such a small world ya...

stRange DayS.BeeN TheRE. YikeS

tadi malem pulangnya agak malem gitu..gara2 keretanya gak jalan akibat jalur rel di deket stasiun palmerah ketimpa billboard gede gitu...jadinya naik bis..pas udah sampe rumah, siap-siap bobo nyalain tv..trus ada film di trans tv 'strange days'. menurut gue sih filmnya lumayan bagus. dan ada ralph fiennes nya ihiks ihiks...ceritanya agak futuristik dan ada hubungannya dengan new year eve tahun 2000 yang pergantian millenium ituh....ada scene2 nya yang ceritain betapa lenny, si karakter cowok, wud do anything for ceweknya. dia terbiasa berkorban untuk ceweknya padahal jelas2 cewek itu tidak mencintainya dan hanya memanfaatkannya. lenny hopeless, udah tau di manfaatkan tapi itu tidak membuat nya berhenti melindungi dan mencintai ceweknya. trus si lenny punya partner cewe polisi namanya mace. mace ini ternyata mencintai lenny tanpa menyadarinya. mace juga, sadly, wud do anything for lenny's life. jadi itu kayak segitiga yang sudutnya kejar2 an :P. waktu lenny mau sekali lagi menyelamatkan cewe cintanya itu, meski dia nyadar cuma jebakan, mace marah. mace bilang lenny bodoh, cuma memelihara perasaan yang sudah usang aja. mace bilang "kamu tidak mencintainya lagi, kamu hanya mempertahankan ego dan ilusi kamu aja" lenny bilang itu benar tapi dia tau lagi harus berbuat apa karena saat itu dia cuma ingin menyelematkan cewe itu. akhirnya , demi cintanya, mace juga ikut sama lenny dan membantu proses rescue si cewe itu..Mmm..akhir ceritanya sih happy ending, mace dan lenny menyadari saling mencintai :) gitu de...

well, emang sering kali orang justru mencintai orang yang tidak mencintainya. semakin cintanya tidak terbalas, maka akan semakin tergila2 lah orang itu...hmm...agak sakit ya...tidak sehat.mungkin memang ada pembahasan psikologis sendiri untuk ini. i've been there atually and now i realize how stupid i was. yikes!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Thank You my TiKaaaa

Tika lagi ngerevisi blog gw niy... asiiiiK... asiiiiK... si aisah bt tuh, makanya betulin sendiri donk... thanks a lot ya tiK... nanti kapan2 kalo ada yg lucu direvisi lagi yaaaaH... hehehehhe

Friday, January 13, 2006


Sometimes i hardly found words to describe what i feel inside. I usually use a song to say whatever my heart want to say towards something or someone...hehe..curang ya?

here is what i feel about you now..

You say I only hear what I want to
You say I talk so all the time so
And I thought what I felt was simple
and I thought that I don't belong
and now that I am leaving
now I know that I did something wrong
'cause I missed you. Yeah yeah, I missed you

And you say I only hear what I want to
I don't listen hard
don't pay attention to the distance that you're running to anyone, anywhere
I don't understand if you really care
I'm only hearing negative: no, no, no

So I turned the radio on
I turned the radio up
and this woman was singing my song
lover's in love, and the other's run away
lover is crying 'cause the other won't stay

Some of us hover when we weep for the other who was dying since the day they were born. Well, well, this is not that
I think that I'm throwing, but I'm thrown
And I thought I'd live forever, but now I'm not so sure
You try to tell me that I'm clever
but that won't take me anyhow, or anywhere with you

You said that I was naive, and I thought that I was strong
I thought, "hey, I can leave, I can leave."
Oh, but now I know that I was wrong
'cause I missed you. Yeah, I miss you
You said, "I caught you 'cause I want you and one day I'll let you go.
" You try to give away a keeper, or keep me 'cause you know you're just scared to lose

And you say, "Stay."
And you say I only hear what I want to

Friday, January 06, 2006

GoodBye My LoveR By JamEs BluNt

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun
Yes, I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won

So I took what's mine by eternal right
Took your soul out into the night
It may be over but it won't stop there
I am here for you if you'd only care

You touched my heart you touched my soul
You changed my life and all my goals
And love is blind and that I knew when
My heart was blinded by you
I've kissed your lips and held your head
Shared your dreams and shared your bed
I know you well, I know your smell
I've been addicted to you

Goodbye my lover
Goodbye my friend
You have been the one
You have been the one for me

I am a dreamer but when I wake
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take
And as you move on, remember me
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile
I've watched you sleeping for a while
I'd be the father/mother of your child
I'd spend a lifetime with you
I know your fears and you know mine
We've had our doubts but now we're fine
And I love you, I swear that's true
I cannot live without you

Goodbye my lover
Goodbye my friend
You have been the one
You have been the one for me

And I still hold your hand in mine
In mine when I'm asleep
And I will bear my soul in time
When I'm kneeling at your feet

Goodbye my lover
Goodbye my friend
You have been the one
You have been the one for me
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow

Thursday, January 05, 2006

pulsa, wangi dan pusing

hari ini akhirnya berhasil juga mengurus migrasi dari simpati ke halo di gerai halo di plangi sama si tika.hard decision to make tapi harus dilakukan blaagh... asal jangan kebanyakan sms dan telpon aja neng..

trus hari ini juga berhasil mendapatkan body spash cologne victoria secret's secret crush...mmm...wangi...

cudnt think clearly about many things. rasanya dizzy aja.sebel.

life oh life oo life oo life du du du du (gaya-gaya desree)

u just never know wot will happen to you.

just enjoy every good and bad moment of ur life.

expect less. see wot'll happen. u might be surprise.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

About Nenk raNey: 4 hasBeens and wAnnabeS ...WuinK!

I neeD my VerY owN CosMoS

Have u ever felt so angry about everything? I just got so angry with everything. So damn angry. It's just almost unbearable to fight my sanity. I tried so hard to keep my life in balance. But still i have to accept the inevitable. Whenever i feel my life is okay, there will be another bump shatter my only solitude. and I hate that.

Monday, January 02, 2006

January 02, 2006

First day working in 2006..yeah! just got a very bad news that really really bad :( Hey u ..u just can't do that to me, u know it. But u still did it. I dont have to know bout it. i hate u. Really really hate u. What's on ur mind?? My god forgive all of your sins and mistake cos i cant and wont. May God protect me as he always does.

This like any other day to me. I just dragged my self from my bed to get up and go to work.
set my mind to feel happy and think positive about everything. Though i never really suceed doing that :P.

last night i sorted all of my old stuff in the closet. Found so many and threw away many things.I got up earlier and burnt everything that remind me to my old time bad experience. I just keep the best of it in my memory then, i really dont need any memoribilia ( is this the right spelling ?)from it. My mom saw me and she didnt do or ask anything. Maybe she understood enough.

well, ran..lets start a new brand experience this year. Be careful and dont be afraid this time, will ya neng raney?