
If you can "dream" it, then you can "do" it. Remember, all of these wonderfull things started with a mouse without inspiration.. we are all doomed.
(Walt Disney- Walt Disney Corp. Founder-)
Money is an evil master, but it is a good servant.
(P.T. Barnum-one of Barnum&Bailey Circus founding father-)
The Source of strength is not money in the hands of some people,
but Information in lots of people hands.
(John Naisbitt- Naisbitt Group General Manager-)
Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% hard work. Nothing can replace hard work. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.
(Thomas A. Edison-Edison Electric Light Company-)
When a door is closed, another is opened; sometimes we focused on the closed door for to long and missed to see the other opened door.
(Alexander G. Bell- ex President and founder of National Geographic Society-)
Don't let oneself to become one with the job. If job is vanish, oneself cannot go to.
(Gordon Van Sauter- ex Presiden of CBS News-)
YOU today is the same YOU in the next 5 years, except for two things:
the people around you and the books that you read.
(Charles "Tremendeous" Jones-President of Life Management Services, Inc.-)
The most important thing in the olympic is not winning, but participating..
what most important in life is not winning, but how to fight well.
(Baron Pierre de Coubertin-first President of International Olympic Committee-)
Winner is not one who never fails, but one that never stops trying!!
Maturity doesn't depend on how old is someone,
but it depends on how someone carried out a responsibility.
If you are going to worry, there's no need to pray;
if you are going to pray, there's no need to worry.
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